A few years ago I reached out to a stranger I admire on Instagram because of his teachings and knowledge of the word of God. I poured out my thoughts to him about the recent condition of my mind, I felt completely lost even though I was in Christ, and Joel (that’s his name, although I no longer remember him) said to me…..

Rhoda If your destiny wasn’t important, the devil won’t be interested But obviously,  you’re out of your covering and your spirit is vulnerable”

He said….”And you need the spirit that originally belongs to you, the one you’ve been ignoring. You have subdued your real spirit, the re-born one. People do this to please the world or gain acceptance but i don’t know about you. You must Go back to what you use to do before everything changed, And this time try to do it right. Then you will see changes”.

I reflected on his words all night and day, tying to figure out where I took a detour and how I managed to lose myself even as I carefully navigated life. Number one thing I realized was I have been disobedient. Yes I have.

I am a smart but not smart enough to blend the life of THE WORLD and THE WORD to gain acceptance. It is very easy for satan to entice you out of God’s will this way, Second truth is you can never be smart enough to do that, you got to pick a side and stick to it.

What Satan does is he will persuade you to believe a partial truth to suppress the real truth, then he begins to sow the seed of doubt that question that real truth, and this is when Confusion sets in. This seed of doubt arouses your curiosity to explore other solutions and no matter how carefully your thread to satisfy your curiosity, he already got you the moment you begin to doubt the real truth. Genesis 3:1-6

Anything you do outside the premise of the word of God is disobedience.

Another revelation was that I allowed my vulnerability tamper with my ability to discern and filter right counsel, so I allowed myself to be tossed about by the revelations of others about my life which could have been distorted by satan. (At this time, I just got introduced to the prophetic, so I was always seeking out prophecies and counseling, usually out of fear and not necessary to be enlightened).

Satan can see the future too, he plays the long term game with the people of great destiny. So subtly will he initiate his plans that you’re already caught in his trap before your eyes are opened to see it. And from what I have come to understand…. DISOBEDIENCE IS WHAT HE LEVERAGES ON. The moment you “DO” the “DO NOT” you have disobeyed. Every DISOBEDIENCE is a sin, it is not just about the 10 commandments, and sin is satan’s window into our lives to disrupt God’s plan.

Read about the story of fall of man in genesis 3 as referenced at the beginning, and the story of the temptation of jesus in Luke 4:1-14, then compare with your life and you will understand that satan’s strategy is still the same.

The SEED OF DOUBT AND DISOBEDIENCE remains his major weapon for the destruction of destiny of God’s beloved. Remember, every DISOBEDIENCE is a sin, it is not just about the 10 commandments.

Apart from the commandment of LOVE, the only other commandment as important is TRUST AND OBEY. When your TRUST in God is absolute, you will not Doubt him at all and therefore you will gladly OBEY ALL HIS INSTRUCTIONS. In turn , He keeps your heart in perfect peace, and rewards your faithfulness to Him.


GOD BLESS YOU and give Us all the grace to TRUST AND OBEY Him at all times so that we may not fall into the traps of satan.

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