The Father
God is not just God. He is a Father. This is the number one truth you must know, understand, and need to personalize to come to the full benefit of knowing Him. One of the major reasons a lot of us Christians haven’t yet experienced the fullness of God is because we haven’t accepted all of Him with the most important as regarding our lives being that He is a Father. We see Him as an authority, a boss, a fearsome being, and while you are correct about all of these things, more than all these, He is a father. Your Father.
Remember how God and Adam started at the beginning of age? They had what we can liken to a father-son relationship marked by the characteristics of God being a father; a provider, protector, creating Adam to be like Him. God did not hide anything good from Adam, He cared and catered to all of Adam’s needs even emotionally. Even when Adam and Eve sinned by acting in disobedience to the instructions God had given them, He still cared for them Genesis 3:21. Yes, He punished them but still loved them and started the plan for redemption and reconciliation of the love and fellowship man lost with Him due to his sin.
The purpose for the creation of man has always been for fellowship and intimacy. God created man in His image and likeness so that He can have someone like Him to talk with, plan with, and enjoy the fullness of all that He has and created, He wanted to share the entire universe with someone just like Him, the worlds He created needed to be inhabited, He wanted a family of people just like Him that He can live and dwell among them. He couldn’t relate with the angels the way He would with man because angels were messengers whereas man has been predestined for adoption to be children Ephesians 1:5 says that we have been predestined for adoption through Christ Jesus! Your whole journey to being a child of God has been in the plan since the beginning of time that man sinned. God in HIS INFINITE WISDOM began the plan to redeem you from the curse of eternal damnation incurred by the single act of disobedience by Adam. This affirms that the nature of God is love, you cannot destroy what you love if there is a way to redeem it and we now know that redemption is possible because we are living testimonies of God’s redemption plan.
Taking a cue from the life of Jesus, apart from redemption and salvation, Jesus also came to reveal God to us. That guys! You need to know this God for real for real just like I do. I’m His son and He wants you to be a part of our family. He is our father, a good good father. Look, whatever your definition of father is, it still doesn’t hold a candle close to the kind of father God is to us and nobody can help you understand this unless you experience Him for yourself, and the only way to experience God for yourself is by spending time with Him.
Imagine your earthly father as a very present dad, actively involved in your life, provides for you, takes care of you, always ready to listen to you, protects you and defends you, corrects and guides you, gives you access to all that He has when He knows you have developed the capacity to handle it, but in all of these you are the one who is never available for him, you are hardly at home, you scarcely talk to Him, you are too busy struggling to acquire what He can easily hand to you after training you to manage it. In fact, you don’t even see him as your father because you misunderstand him and so you live your life apart from your dad, way below the life you could have with him if you only gave him the chance to be your father. Your misguided perception about your dad doesn’t change that He is your father, you are simply the one not maximizing your status as His child. You don’t even know your father is a great king, and the fact that you are an heir in his kingdom doesn’t mean he will hand over your inheritance to you when you are not equipped to handle it.
This is the most popular scenario of our relationship with God, many of us are ignorant about Him. That is why you are angry or indifferent towards Him, He wants that to change on this journey and I believe you are here also because you want to remedy that so, make up your mind that you will no longer be cheated out of Abba’s love, come into your rightful position as sons and daughters of a good Father.
Give God your time and ask His Holy Spirit to guide you back to the heart of the Father and teach you to be a good child to your good Father.
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