The Son

To get to the Father you need the Son. Jesus speaking in the book of John 14:6 says “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. It really isn’t difficult to function in this kingdom of God that we now belong to, the one thing we need is obedience. There are orders to things in life, the reason a lot of people are living complicated lives is because they fail to follow the right order of things. In the beginning, man had direct access to God, man could speak with, hear, and feel God’s presence. Even after the fall of man, God still found a way to fellowship with men whose hearts sought after Him, like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, David, Moses, and Samuel. Ultimately, He didn’t just want a handful of men in each generation, He wanted all men to come to Him. The sinful nature of man through the disobedience of Adam was the reason man could no longer freely access God and brought about the separation from fellowship with Him, but the sacrifice of Jesus brought us redemption and reconciliation with the Father. Only the sacrifice of Jesus could restore the fellowship with the Fathe, a fellowship for eternity.


In the days of Moses and the prophets the blood sacrifice of animals only gave temporary cover for sin and God was fearsome because His judgment of sin was instant so, to manage the relationship between Him and man, animal sacrifices must be performed several times daily. I can’t even begin to imagine how exhausting it must be for man and how cumbersome it must be for God to keep cleansing man from his sins. Even with the laws to keep them in line, it was recorded in Isaiah 64:6 that man still fell short in righteousness, our righteousness was described as a filthy rag before God, so we can imply by this that we could never be saved by our works. Jesus was the only one who could fulfill the righteousness of God because he wasn’t a seed of Adam but of God and his blood is the only worthy sacrifice that can forever cleanse us from our sins and reconcile us with the Father.


Therefore, it is not boastful for Jesus to say no one goes to the Father except through him, it is the truth just like Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life. Jesus is the only one who can take us to the Father’s presence lest we are consumed by His judgment over our sinful nature, only Jesus can reveal the nature of God to us. While he was on earth, he always referred to God as his father, except for the time when he was on the cross and that was because the sin of the world that he bore had separated him from His Father. Jesus was the one who revealed the father side of God to us else we wouldn’t know what a loving father God is. So, if you truly desire to know God, have a relationship with Him, and experience the fullness of His love as our Father, the only way is Jesus.


The question now is how do you get with Jesus to get to the Father? BY FAITH.

You must believe in Jesus as the son of God, believe in His death for the propitiation of your sins, and believe in his resurrection for the life of a new creation. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. if you believe in the Son you are saved from eternal damnation to eternal life, if you believe in his crucifixion then you died with him (your old sinful nature and ways died with him) Galatians 2:20 and believing in his resurrection means you are raised with him as a new creation born of God, sinless like him and this new you is whom the Father longs to fellowship with. This is the right order of salvation, redemption and reconciliation that leads to fellowship. You cannot skip the order; the circle needs to be complete. Now ask yourself what part have I missed?

If you need further guidance in your assurance or reassurance of faith, leave a comment, and I will personally attend to your message.

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